British Columbians work fewer hours than most Canadians, says law firm study

July 16, 2024

Newfoundlanders are the most overworked in Canada and Quebecers and British Columbians the least, according to an analysis of Statistics Canada labour force data.

Put another way, British Columbians and Quebecers appear to be lazier than most other Canadians.

The Alberta law firm Preszler Injury Lawyers examined data from Statistics Canada to determine the working hours of Canadians in each province. The law firm calculated average weekly hours based on monthly values between January 2023 and December 2023.

Generally speaking, it found workers in natural resource sectors and agriculture tended to work longer hours, and those employed in arts, culture and sport worked the fewest hours.

The analysis found people in Newfoundland and Labrador worked an average of 38.18 hours per week. British Columbians worked an average of just 35.08 hours per week, and workers in Quebec worked an average of 34.27 hours per week.

“The most overworked occupation sector is natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations in all but two provinces,” the study concluded.

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