Langley Chamber Approves Township’s Move Forward on Fraser Highway Employment Lands

December 21, 2023

The Langley Chamber is pleased Township of Langley Council voted to move forward with a process to develop a Fraser Highway Employment Lands Area Plan for about 500 acres around Fraser Highway between 228 St. and 240 St. This plan will look to develop a plan for this area that aligns with much of the current industrial use, and also seeks to bring vacant and under-utilized land into more active use as industrial or employment land.

It can’t be overstated how critically important industrial, employment, and trade-enabling land supply is to the economic strength of not just Langley, but of the region as a whole.  The Metro Vancouver region suffers from a significant shortage of industrial lands, and is already seeing some industry and economic activity forgoing Langley and our region in favour of other jurisdictions that are better able to meet their land needs.

The Langley Chamber had encouraged Council to support this Plan and is pleased to see this process advancing, and will look forward to actively engaging and participating in the planning effort going forward.

Source: Read more here