Unwavering Support from the Langley WorkBC Centre

June 19, 2024

Miriam faced significant obstacles in her job search. She had been unemployed for an extended period, leading to a gap in her resume that made it difficult to attract potential employers. Relocating to a new province added another layer of complexity, as she was unfamiliar with the local job market. Additionally, many job postings required a skill set that Miriam hadn’t had the opportunity to develop recently due to her time away from the workforce.

Miriam turned to the Langley WorkBC Centre for help, and the support she received was transformative:

1. Resume Training: The WorkBC team provided specialized training on how to write a winning resume. They worked with Miriam to highlight her strengths, experiences, and transferable skills, ensuring her resume stood out to potential employers despite the gap in her work experience.

2. Interview Techniques: Understanding that confidence is key in interviews, WorkBC provided guidance on how to present confidently and helped her prepare by reviewing and practicing common interview questions and responses, which played a crucial role in boosting her self-assurance.

3. Ongoing Support: What truly set the Langley WorkBC Centre apart was their continuous support throughout Miriam’s job search journey. The team regularly checked in with her, offering encouragement, advice, and motivation. This follow- up kept Miriam focused and helped her maintain a positive outlook during her job search.

Thanks to the support from the Langley WorkBC Centre, Miriam has secured employment with the Government of Alberta – Court of Justice. The tools and confidence she gained through WorkBC’s training and support were instrumental in her success.

In Miriam’s words: “I am incredibly grateful for the support I received from WorkBC during my job search. Thank you for your dedication to my success. I not only secured a job but also gained a renewed belief in my own abilities. I cannot thank Langley WorkBC enough for their unwavering support and for helping me achieve my career goals.”