Young Mi’s Journey to a New Career

May 25, 2024

Young Mi’s professional journey took a transformative turn when she walked into WorkBC Langley. Having faced layoffs from her last two jobs in the financial industry, Young Mi was determined to change her career towards to one more closely aligned with her passion for helping others. With a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from South Korea and her registration as a social worker with the BC College of Social Work, she set her sights on becoming a settlement worker.

At WorkBC, Young Mi met with her Case Manager, who conducted a comprehensive needs assessment. This evaluation took into account her previous experience, skills, and interests. It became clear that Young Mi’s extensive volunteer work with various organizations, where she had provided support and settlement services, had equipped her with a solid foundation for this new career path.

Recognizing her potential and dedication, Young Mi was approved for Project-Based Labour Market Training (PBLMT) to obtain training as a Settlement Worker. Throughout her training and practicum, she received ongoing support from WorkBC Langley. Her Case Manager was there every step of the way, ensuring she had the resources and guidance needed to succeed.

Upon completing her training and practicum, Young Mi participated in job search workshops offered by the Centre. With her Case Manager’s active support, she navigated the job market with renewed confidence and determination.

Young Mi is delighted to report that she has now secured a full-time position as a Settlement Outreach Worker at Langley Community Services Society. Her journey from financial industry layoffs to a fulfilling role in the settlement sector demonstrates the power of resilience, the value of targeted support, and the impact of dedicated professionals at WorkBC Langley.

Young Mi’s story is a testament to what can be achieved when one combines personal determination with the right support system. She looks forward to making a meaningful difference in her community, using her skills and experience to help others settle and thrive in their new environments.